Fort Collins trolleys back on track for a new summer season
A Fort Collins streetcar on the Whedbee Loop carries a sign reading "Ice not safe today" to alert potential skaters to conditions at Sheldon Lake. This streetcar loop ran from 1919 to 1951
Courtesy Fort Collins Public Lib
After some early uncertainty, Fort Collins' trolley season is back on track.
The city's pair of historic streetcars — longtime favorite Birney Car 21 and the newly restored Birney Car 25 — are set to hit Mountain Avenue later this month.
The Fort Collins Municipal Railway Society will operate the cars on their normal summer schedule, with rides available noon to 5 p.m. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays starting May 29 and going through September.
To cut down on its volunteers and passengers handling cash and giving out change, fares will not be collected for streetcar rides through June. Because of this loss in funding, the railway society will be relying on donations during that time.
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